Ocracoke Island, North Carolina
Discover the island where one of the world's most famous pirates was captured.
This island in the Outer Banks of North Carolina sits in middle of what was in the 1700s a busy thruway for large trade
vessels carrying goods from all over the world. Naturally, with all this booty to be had, the place was swarming with pirates,
too. Legendary pirate Edward Teach--a.k.a. Blackbeard--moored at Ocracoke before accepting a pardon and promising to quit
the plundering life. But within weeks, he was back at it, so the Virginia governor gave the order for Blackbeard's capture,
which happened on Ocracoke in 1718.

Dr Beach rated Ocracoke as the best beach in America, we are proud that it was and am glad it finally reach number one as
it will no longer be on the list and maybe the day trippers will stop coming, , They clog up the ferries cause congestion
in town turn around and head back with out even stopping, they expect to see board walks and amusements, that isn't what
Ocracoke is like so don't expect it actually the best beaches here are accessed only by 4 wheel drive and a dune line
along the road will block the ocean from you see don't expect to see much of that unless you stop and go over the dunes .
We like keeping Oracoke a secret and if you should fall in love with it you will know why . Unfortunately taxes and
development have made it hard to keep a house here if you are a local as it is slowly becoming a rich mans paradise.

I personally think that Ocracoke has been misunderstood as the most beautiful beach in the USA
Ocracoke is mostly an uninhabited island with a small town at one end it is owned mostly by the National Park Service
and no development is allow except with in the town limits there are no homes or development at all on the Ocean beaches
here , just on the sound side and around Silver Lake the Harbor that the town is built around Over the years I run into
people looking for the board walk and amusements ect but you will not find it here what you will find are natural beaches
unencumbered by development.
The only other beaches in the US like these are not accessible so that is why Ocracoke is so special to those that
love it. You will find tranquil beaches in their natural state , not groomed by tractors every morning expect to see sea
weed on the beaches occasional dead fish or turtles don't expect to see any one cleaning up after you as some do, but
there are some that don't know that .so yes there is some trash around but thanks to the many that care this is minimal.
There is only one life guarded beach north of town and that isn't very wide as it fills up fast in the summer months, The
best beaches are accessed by 4 wheel drive , too many people think it is Daytona and you can drive anything on it but that
isn't going to happen they just get stuck coming off the ramp and make it hard for every one to get around,
Please come to visit Oracoke and enjoy the serenity but don't expect to be waited on by any one except a wait person
in a restaurant. We are on Island Time here , You will either love it or Hate it
I have loved it for years

Ocracoke is an old fishing village once was a pilot town to but it’s best claim to fame is Black Beard the
Check the link page for black beard sites

If you plan a day trip to Ocracoke plan on getting on the ferry from Hatteras ( Free ) before 10 am and don’t
stay too late as the ferry gets busy during mid day going and late day coming back. The fall and winter months is a bit different
but the ferry doesn’t run as much so you need to plan ahead as to when you want to get to the ferry. Call (1 800 by
ferry )to get the times during the off season . But during the summer months it runs every 15 minutes.

Doesnt get any better then this |
Many people come to Ocracoke drive threw and turn around and drive back. This brings a lot of traffic
to Ocracoke so during the day don’t expect to get threw town at any great pace. There is a rumor that they are going
to get a trolley system for visitors, which would be great . Now if some one will get a hi speed boat ride from Hatteras to
the town docks that would solve all the traffic problems.
Ocracoke has turned into a T shirt island I have herd but if you know the history and enjoy its quaintness
you can look beyond that . It is a very peaceful place where every one is on Island Time. Come to relax and stay for a while.
You will find some great restaurants and night life too. As most places to stay are with in walking
distance of the night life. It is an easy walk home.
