Limited drive on the beach is affect now watch for the signs
They have come to an agreement to limit area of driving on the beach so please watch for the signs and don't go past them
, Unfortunately the birds have more rights then humans any more the signs not only limit driving but foot traffic too , They
will fine you if you caught beyond them and you might need to watch the tide in some areas as high tide will make close quarters
for driving .
One big change is to driving at all between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am from April to September and then by permit only,
that has yet to be worked out
Enjoy the beach but watch your step

As of the summer of 08 there has been some dramatic changes of area to drive, for many years the point at
Hatteras the beaches at Origin inlet Hatteras inlet and South Point on Ocracoke have all been the most popular places
to fish and go but because of the bird lovers we can no longer can share the beaches with them,
I think it is mostly because of the over population of Vehicles on the beach It was destine to come there needs to be
a plan , I'm not sure of what will happen but I know it is taking its toll on income for the Islanders , although the price
of gas probably has a lot to do with it too .
I guess it could be labeled as progress but It is going in the wrong direction , I think a solution is out there we just
can't come to it yet, time will tell

In many locations you can drive on the beach but you must use a ramp to do this. The best fishing spots
are only accessible by 4 wheel drive. Like at Cape Point, Oregon inlet , Hatteras inlet, or South Point on Ocracoke. The most
important part of 4 wheel driving is air pressure in your tires. You need to air down, don't guess get a pressure gauge .
I go down to 15 psi in my Toyota truck, if you have something smaller you might need to go down to 10 psi. But 15 to 20 is
what's recommended for most trucks. or SUV's .
You want to get to the point that you are rolling over the sand not pushing threw it . As I said you
can push threw it but what you are doing is heating up your transmission ,and with the way they are using plastic in lines
under you vehicle these days the oil will heat up melt a line and spray it on your exhaust system and you have instant fire.
I have herd about it happening many time’s. check with any ranger on the beach to verifier this, that is where I got
my info from. I also talked to a guy it actually happened to.
So it is up to you , AIR DOWN IT WORKS

In years past there have been some restrictions on driving on the beach such as turtle nesting area's
and bird nesting area's but in recent years the parks and game people have been making it difficult to get around down there
, the restrictions have go to a point that there is very little beach to drive on and at high tide some area are inaccessible
all together , there are groups that are fighting for our rights to drive on the beach but it seems to be a loosing battle
. The endangered species act will over rule and that's what they are using to keep us from driving on the beach like we use
to .

You might be able to go at a higher psi and if you have a 4 wheel drive RV you might have to but you
are putting an undo strain on your drive train. Air is cheaper than a repair or a tow. If you get in a situation where you
think you might get stuck, STOP!!! Don't give it more gas. People think the more gas the further you will move. Wrong. the
more gas means the tires will spin. Tires with good tread will dig if spinning, then you're stuck. If in trouble, Stop. Put
in 4 low and ease forward or backward until you get out of harms way. Be real easy on the gas. In 4 low you'll want to just
crawl. When safely out of the situation, put it back in 4 high. Also avoid driving through salt water. Not only will it rust
your vehicle's body but also rusts fuel lines and brake lines. This too I learned from experience. My new truck now has many
layers of undercoating on it, especially the lines under the body. Undercoating can be bought at K-Mart, Wal-Mart or auto
stores for about $3.00 a can, well worth it.

Remember leave only tracks on the beach
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