Out of Va. Beach take General Booth Blv. to Queen Ann Blv. and watch for signs pointing towards
Knots Island N.C. Look for the ferry signs and follow them . There is a ferry that leaves out of Knots Island every 2 hours
to Currytuck. It takes some planning to go this way but if your in no hurry or would like to see some beautiful mash lands
this is a fun way to go especially for the kids who will like the ferry ride. This is also the school bus for children of
Knots Island. Call 1 800 byferry to get times of the ferry. Its a nice way to go and a good break in the long drive. I have
never found the ferry crowded as a matter of fact once I was the only one on it one morning.

Now coming from Pa or points north by way of I 81. The normal way would be 81 to 64 or 81 to 17
to 95 which are all good ways. Again if you are not in a hurry and would like to see the Va. country side, rolling hills and
farm land here is an alternate way off of 81. You can take 66 to the first exit which is Front Royal. Get on 522 south. This
will take you all the way to 64 west of Richmond. You will have to negotiate the towns of Front Royal and Culpepper as the
route will meander its way threw these towns. However this way is also very relaxing . If you get tired of this way once you
get to Culpepper you can stay on Rt. 3 on down to 95. Also a good road.

I dont recommend this way but if you got time
to kill and want to see the Va. country along the rivers. take 17 out of Fredericksburg . Most of the going is smooth but
there are a lot of small town and lights and I really wouldnt suggest it as it is very slow, but the traffic is almost non
existence until you get to the tide water area, and you have to get back onto 64 east to 664
Here is another if you are coming from Pa. With pictures. this one is cool again click here

Remember leave only tracks on the beach
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